Barnor Hesse、今日まで名前さえ知らなかった。
しかし、Relocating Postcolonialism 所収の“Forgotten Like a Bad Dream:Atalntic Slavery and Ethics of Postcolonial Memory”を読んで、今までにない種類のパワーのある説得力とロジックを兼ね備えた思考を持っている人物のように感じた。論文からいい意味でのショックを受けた感じだ。East London大学の講師らしい。
Interrogating the African Diaspora
Barnor Hesse is a senior lecturer in Sociology. His teaching and research interests include theories and politics of the African Diaspora, racialized governmentalities and racialized modernities, globalization and postcoloniality. He is co-author of “Beneath the Surface – Racial Harassment” (1992), editor of “Un/settled Multiculturalisms: Diasporas, Entanglements, Transruptions” (2000) and author of “Creolizing the political: a genealogy of the African Diaspora” (forthcoming). He is also a series editor of “De/colonial Studies, Postcolonial Horizons” for Pluto Press.
